Mooi artikel in
de New Yorker over de nieuwe docu.
The Laurel Canyon property was put up for sale, and Lady Gaga bought the house, the Muffin Kitchen, and the now empty vault, for $5.25 million. Restoring the materials from the vault took two years and involved more than fifty specialists.
Vraag mezelf nu al paar jaar af wat er nu dan met de vault en de inhoud is gebeurd. Of ligt dat nu allemaal bij Ahmet of voormalig kluiskabouter Joe Travers in de kelder ?
Dat gezegd hebbende, bedenk ik mij net
dit artikel van Relix uit maart 2017 en hierin geeft Ahmet zelf al een antwoord.
Optimistically, he looks to the opportunities ahead. In May, Ahmet plans to open Utility Muffin research Kitchen’s new location, and a home for a new vault. “When you’re in the control room, behind you will be windows into the room, and you’ll be able to see just how much content Frank made,” Ahmet says. “It will be the crown jewel of this space.”
Nog een mooie quote...
Travers works to transfer every note from every inch of film to a digital format at the highest available conversion rate, and, ideally, for album masters, also create an analog safety copy. And, he concedes, the technology is constantly updating, with formats often migrating, leaving him resigned to the fact that “there really is no end in sight.”
En een laatste quote om te laten zien hoe omvangrijk die kluis eigenlijk wel niet is...
In 1995, the archive found its Vaultmeister in Joe Travers, a one-time drummer in Ahmet and Dweezil’s band, Z. After 22 years of identifying, cataloging, transferring and preserving the trove, Ahmet suspects Travers is only halfway through the immense collection.