Het is duidelijk. Ik heb zojuist even met regisseur Ben Sombogaart gebeld. Heb het gelijk even in het Engels getypt voor een van mijn
Hier de copy paste:
Kruistocht in Spijkerbroek (Crusade in Jeans) score (2006)
This nightI called up director Ben Sombogaart to ask him some things about the music from Crusade in Jeans. They're were some doubts as to who actually did the score and what Ozark Henry and Jurre Haanstra composed.
Ozark wrote few songs which appeared on the previous albums and two new religious songs. As far as commercial reasons he was the name they brought out, as a pop artist catches more attention. Being a Dutch/Belgium co-production they could spend money on a more internationally acclaimed composer. Sombogaart thought about that and considered Henny Vrienten, who's merely Dutch, but went for Ozark Henry. The reason for not choosing an ever bigger international composer was because the Belgiums contributed the most money of the co-producers, so he spend that Belgium money partly on him.
Besides the songs, Ozark composed most of the themes of the score, which Jurre Haanstra took as a basis for the real score. So in shorter terms, Orzark contributed in a more additional music composer function, even though he wrote the themes. He estimated that 75 % of the music was written by Jurre Haanstra While the booklet of the cd release with music by Ozark states the Metropole orchestra performs it, the director told me that all score in the film was performed by the Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra. He couldn't tell wether the cd released music was all performed by the same film orchestra, but the booklet state only the Metropole.
(I wish to thank Ben Sombogaart for all this information)