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Geregistreerd: 9 november 2008
Laatste bezoek: 9 november 2008, 18:05 uur
Aantal stemmen: 0
Aantal berichten: 0
Top 10 albums
- 1. R.E.M. - Lifes Rich Pageant (1986)
- 2. The Serenes - Barefoot and Pregnant (1990)
Alternatieve titel: The Blurred, Concealed and Declined Songs of the Serenes - 3. Wipers - Silver Sail (1993)
- 4. Television - Marquee Moon (1977)
- 5. Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited (1965)
- 6. De Artsen - Conny Waves with a Shell (1989)
- 7. XTC - Black Sea (1980)
- 9. The Police - Reggatta de Blanc (1979)
- 10. The Sound - From the Lions Mouth (1981)