mijn gemiddelde
1962 stemmen
Alternatieve artiestnamen: The Dukes of Stratosphear, The Three Wise Men, X-T-C en XTC as The Dukes of Stratosphear
Swindon, Wiltshire (Verenigd Koninkrijk)
Er staan 54 albums van deze artiest op MusicMeter. Er is in totaal 1962 keer op deze albums gestemd, met een gemiddelde van 3,88 sterren.
De standaardafwijking van deze stemmen is 0,66
- Andy Partridge
- Colin Moulding
- Dave Gregory (1979 t/m 1998)
- Terry Chambers (t/m 1983)
- Barry Andrews (t/m 1979)
Discografie: EP's
- 3,50 (9)
- 3,33 (9)XTC - Go+ (1978)
- 4,17 (3)XTC - Generals and Majors (1980)
- XTC - Live & More (1981)
- 4,00 (1)XTC - 5 Senses (1981)
- 4,20 (5)XTC - Ball and Chain (1982)
- 4,17 (3)
- 5,00 (1)XTC - No Thugs in Our House (1982)
- 3,67 (3)XTC - Great Fire (1983)
- 3,83 (3)XTC - All You Pretty Girls (1984)
- 3,99 (42)
- 5,00 (1)
- 4,12 (4)XTC - Grass (1986)
- 3,89 (35)
- 4,25 (2)XTC - The Mayor of Simpleton (1989)
- 3,25 (2)
- XTC - Demo Tracks (1992)
Reguliere albums
- 3,45 (66)XTC - White Music (1978)
- 3,66 (52)XTC - Go 2 (1978)
- 3,79 (199)XTC - Drums and Wires (1979)
- 4,01 (171)XTC - Black Sea (1980)
- 4,04 (246)XTC - English Settlement (1982)
- 3,69 (107)XTC - Mummer (1983)
- 3,61 (91)XTC - The Big Express (1984)
- 3,89 (199)XTC - Skylarking (1986)
- 3,94 (54)
- 3,72 (98)XTC - Oranges & Lemons (1989)
- 3,93 (107)XTC - Nonsuch (1992)
- 4,16 (128)XTC - Apple Venus Volume 1 (1999)
- 3,74 (50)
- 4,00 (1)XTC - Eighties Goldies (1980)
- 3,39 (9)
- 3,87 (23)
- 3,94 (26)
- 3,97 (43)The Dukes of Stratosphear - Chips from the Chocolate Fireball (1987)
Alternatieve titel: An Anthology - 3,12 (4)
- 3,62 (13)
- 4,50 (1)
- 4,15 (80)
- 3,88 (4)XTC - Upsy Daisy Assortment (1997)
- 3,75 (6)XTC - The Greatest (1998)
- 3,93 (15)
- 3,72 (9)
- 4,19 (8)XTC - Coat of Many Cupboards (2002)
- 3,00 (1)XTC - Instruvenus (2003)
- XTC - Waspstrumental (2003)
- 4,00 (1)XTC - Apple Bite (2005)
- 4,75 (2)
- 2,60 (5)XTC - Essential (2012)
- 4,20 (5)
- 4,00 (3)
- 4,00 (1)
- 4,00 (11)
Tracks op verzamelalbums
- 4,17 (3)Times Square (1980)
- 4,12 (4)
- She's Having a Baby (1988)
- 3,62 (13)
- The Wish List (2003)
Alternatieve titel: A Collection of Songs to Celebrate 50 Years of the MS Society - 3,75 (2)Verschwende Deine Jugend (2003)
- 3,05 (11)Hot Fuzz (2007)
- 3,56 (8)LateNightTales: Röyksopp (2013)